
What are the payment options?

Only Monero, because it offer best anonymity. For payments use only official Monero wallet.

I don’t have Monero, how to get one?

Exchange your favorite cryptocurrency using one of the popular exchanges like: SimpleSwap, FixedFloat, Godex, Xchange.me, FlypMe, StealthEX, Changelly, MorphToken or ChangeNOW.

Are my founds are safe, do you provide escrow?

Yes. We provide escrow. After you pay, coins are not sent to us directly, but wait on your account wallet protected as escrow. When you get product you release escrow. If you do not get product half of escrow is released automatically back to you, and rest is hold for investigation and our support will review case. If our support confirm that package missed, you will get full refund.

How long it takes to get the product?

We prepare package for two days after payment is confirmed. After that we send package using local post. Depends on your country, and local post office, it can take from 1 week to 2 months. Sometimes depends on your location we can supply you from our local storage. (If you are in that country it will be send max in 2 weeks).

How many Monero confirmation is needed?

Only one confirmation and your payment is accepted. When you pay our system change order to on-hold, once we get confirmation it is automatically pushed and accepted. It can take max 20 minutes to complete. If it take longer contact us.

How much for shipping?

It is automatically calculated depends on your country, you will see shipping costs on the order summary page.

I made order but nothing happened.

Many people order products in the shop but never finalize payment. If payment is not finalized we do not take any action. You will receive all updates only after the order is paid. All orders without payment are cancelled after few hours and products back to stock. Remember that money are hold and protected in escrow system.

How can I contact you?

No one will ever personally contact with you. Never talk about order with no one. You can always contact with us using email: darknetstore[a]riseup[dot]net. We do not use online communicators or mobile phones.

Why you do not sell ammunition?

It is really hard to send ammunition through the borders of countries. We do not want your package to be stopped. It is really harder to send ammunition than drugs or guns.

Can I get refund?

We have automatic 50% refund from escrow in case of non arrival in time. Check Refund and Returns Policy. Once verified by our support we refund another 50% manually. SO at the end you will get 100% refund. (Monero fees not included).

Do you accept returns?

We do not accept returns. Please check Refund and Returns Policy.

Do you provide tracking number?

Never. If it is easier to track for you, it is easier to track for police. We monitor package on our side and send you the updates. You will also get date and time frame of delivery.

How do pack the orders?

We have got years of experience to pack illegal products that they are not detected by law enforcement agencies or post office or the customs service. Thousands of customers trusted us and get back for more. Products are sent from various locations around the world or from our local trusted coworkers. So sometimes products does not travel over the borders so it is harder to detect them.

Is this real?

Yes it is. We sold so many thing you can’t even imagine. We are on various markets and selling stuff since 2011. From time to time we rebrand our shop to lost a tail.

Why you are not listed in place like Dread or other Wikis or onion links?

These website do not accept shops which sells guns. We tried, but they do not want to list guns dealers.

What shipping address should I provide?

During the registration do not provide real name and surname or any real data, just the country for the shipping calculation, rest should be fake. Then on checkout page tick field “Ship to a different address?” and there provide where it should be sent. Best would be some safe spot, empty home you have access to or some place registered for fake name. We do our best to pack products to be not recognized by police so you can order it for your normal address, and in case of detection you can say you never ordered anything like that.

My package was stopped by special services (police, FBI etc.), what should I do?

After order is complete delete all emails and browser history. When police intercept your package or in worst case you with the package, tell them that you didn’t order it and that this is some ugly joke. Do not confirm anything. Do not admit. Speak that this is not your order, and not your package, and that there was a mistake. We never confirm anything and do not work with the police. With no proof they will let you go free.

Where I can find more details?

In this FAQ, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Refund and Returns Policy.